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How does the miniature WEDM controller work? Recommended manufacturers of wire EDM machines.

Jiangsu Chuangwei CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd. 2024.07.02
Jiangsu Chuangwei CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd. Industry news

The miniature wire-cutting controller is a device used to control a miniature wire-cutting machine, it can accurately control the motion and cutting parameters of the wire-cutting machine to achieve high-precision wire-cutting processing. The following will introduce the operation steps of the miniature wire-cutting controller.
1. Preparation
First of all, you need to connect the wire-cutting machine with the controller to ensure that the power supply and communication lines are connected correctly. Then, turn on the power switch of the controller and enter the operation interface after the controller has finished starting.
2. Parameter setting
On the operation interface, you can set various parameters for wire cutting, including cutting speed, cutting thickness, cutting current, and so on. According to the specific processing requirements, set the appropriate parameter values. Usually, the cutting parameters can be determined according to the type and thickness of the material.
3. Processing file import
Import the processing file into the controller. The file can be transferred to the controller via a USB memory stick or network. After importing the file, it can be previewed and edited on the controller to ensure that the machining path and parameters are set correctly.
4. Machining Path Setting
On the controller, you can set the machining path. The machining path can be set by manually entering the coordinates, drawing a graph, importing a CAD file, etc. The machining path can be set according to the specific machining requirements. According to the specific machining requirements, set the appropriate machining path.
5. Motion Control
On the controller, the motion of the wire-cutting machine can be controlled by manual operation or automatic operation. In manual operation, you can control the movement direction and speed of the wire-cutting machine through the buttons or handles on the controller. In automatic operation, the trajectory and speed of the wire-cutting machine can be controlled by the program on the controller.
6. Monitoring and adjustment
During the wire-cutting process, the cutting status and parameters can be monitored in real-time through the monitoring interface on the controller. If you need to adjust the cutting parameters, you can adjust them on the monitoring interface and view the cutting effect in real-time.
7. Processing Completion.
When the wire-cutting process is completed, you can confirm the processing result through the prompt message on the controller. If you need to continue processing, you can reset the parameters and path, and then process again. If processing is complete, you can turn off the controller's power switch, and disconnect the wire-cutting machine and the controller.
The operating steps of the miniature WEDM controller include preparation, parameter setting, machining file import, machining path setting, motion control, monitoring and adjustment, and machining completion. Through the correct operation of the controller, you can achieve high-precision wire-cutting processing.